Hello 2008 Participants, We wanted to make you aware of weather forecast for our area this weekend. There is a low pressure system arriving tomorrow which will lower temperatures and increase likelihood of precipitation.  The forecast for Saturday’s ride to Silverton is 30-50% chance of rain/snow mix on Molas and Coal Bank passes with high temperature of 45 degrees F.  Riders should plan clothing appropriate for those conditions. Rain coat, helmet cover, long fingered gloves and leg coverings are highly recommended. Keep in mind wind chill on descents, especially if it is wet.  Please plan accordingly, as should any family or  friends who are waiting for you in Silverton. We have plans in place to have emergency buses available in the high country,  along with trucks to transport bikes. Riders who are dressed for poor  conditions will be much better off if we have to evacuate riders from passes.  This process is efficient, but still takes time.  Course Marshalls will be available on road to direct riders to pickup  locations. Based on severity of weather, the event may be shortened, or cancelled altogether.  Colorado State Patrol has authority over that decision, keep in  mind it is for the sake of safety of all participants and support crews on the  passes. We would alert the local media, and Silverton to let all family and friends waiting know status. On Saturday morning, 7am at both start locations (RR/Tour) we will have  information posted if ride has been cancelled or altered.  Please check in  before you depart, and alert family/friends if needed. The remainder of weekend appears to improve, but will still have a threat of  moisture. Please plan accordingly. Thank you for coming, we look forward to a great event. IHBC

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