I was riding home last night from my class that I teach and noticed in the beam of my head lamp that it was snowing…snowing ash.  The volcanoe that erupted close by has hit home (or home away from home).  It is pretty crazy right now as people have been evacuated here to Bariloche and now the ash is falling here as well.  The major bummer is that the scientist can’t agree on whether the volcanoe has erupted or just burped before its big eruption.  The winds have been to the east but have now switched toward Bariloche…not psyched.  Mark is currently cleaning up ash from our floor and I’m going out to see if I can find masks.  And so I am reminded that really destiny is out of my hands…which is not an easy thing to come to terms with when you are a  control freak.  I think I’ll sleep in tomorrow.


We’re crossing our fingers for you Sarah!

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