Mechanicals were frequent in last weeks DEVO practices. In one U-14 boys practice, two young riders lost a crank arm due to loose bolts. Keep em tight fellas! In thursdays 24incher ride at Church Camp a derailuer ripped off and allowed a good lesson in the art of getting back to civilization any way you can. In that case, it was a ride on the handelbars down the super washboardy road of Falls Creek. Sorry Charlie!

Thank You to all you parents who respect our “no tagging along” rule.  We know it must be tough, but you are doing the right thing for your child and the program. 

We have a new office space for the month of june. Located in the Park Center Commercial Center at 1911 main ave, suite 6 is where the paperwork gets paperworked. Please bear with us as our sweet old system of “just pick it up on our porch” is over and we figure out a new system.

Last Wednesdays AllGirlsRide were filmed by City Span 10 for a spot featuring Trails 2000 on their monthly news program. It airs this wednesday, so keep your eyes peeled. 


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