Three weeks under the belt so far. It is amazing how fast they learn and progress. We think it also helps the learning when they are amongst their peers. The big groups are tough at times, but for the most part, they offer more models to the skill of cycling. We all get better when we ride with our friends.

The mud hasn’t been too bad so far, and sorry if it has. Kids like riding straight through as it actually is the proper trail edict  when spring riding. 

Parents, ask your kids how to brake, climb, mount a bike or descend and see what they have to say. Let them teach you a skill if the timing is right. 

I guess we really do not have any “news’ at the moment. The rides have been going great so far and the coaches are having a blast riding with your children. Keep up the good work parents and we’ll see you next week for more riding. Thanks Coach Chad

Oh yeah, Bike/garage moving sale at Anne and I’s house this saturday 10-5, tons and tons of bikes and parts. Check it out.


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