It is always sweet when the DEVO season finally gets underway. The paperwork and sign-up period ends and the fun begins. The U-14 boys ride went off with out a hitch on monday, as the team rode up lions den and tested the thaw around the FLC campus trails. Elliott Slaslow was in England and we missed him. Kricket and the U-19 ladies took off towards Horse Gulch and followed it up with some pen and paper observations. High Fives were seen in the distance. Tuesday’s jr. DEVO 20inch ride, led by coaches Evan Elliot and Annie Cheeney found several hours of fun honing their skills at the bmx track. The U-19 men took off from the rec center and rode Stacey’s in perfect riding weather. Taking our pulse at the high point led us to the conclusion that we have our work cut out for us after the long winter season. All in all, it has been a great start to the season. Today DEVO will take to the trails with 6 rides going off from different locations; 1st graders, 24inchers, AllGirlsRide, U-14 girls, U-19 Ladies and U-19 Mens. Lets keep it up.alishaweb.jpg 

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