Cycling has carried me far! From a wobbly spin around the yard as a 6 year old, to a ride around the block at 8, the boundries grew. At 12, my buds from the hood and I did a hilly 30 mile round trip to the lake. Many moons later, the miles piled on and and associations gained through involvement in cycling  led me to world travel. Most recently, I completed a ride from Durango to Costa Rica through Mexico and Central America, to pursue a dream formulated 35 years ago. And why stop now? NO WAY!!!!!


Perhaps a bicycle will carry you in the direction of your dreams. The training, the suffering, the comraderie, the rivalries, the elation of successful, personal acheivement are all potential byproducts of our chosen activity. And winning races would be nice, but not necessary to gain a great result. Ride on!!!!


Happy Trails,

Bicycle Bob

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