Yo DEVO, the season is around the corner. Detailed practice schedules will be out soon, but for now women will practice with Kricket Lewis monday 4:15-6:15, wednesday 4:15-6:15 and Friday 3-5:30 all rides meeting at the rec center, and ending as well. The men will be tuesday 4:14-6:15, wednesday 4:15-6:15 and friday 3-5:30. Again, meeting and pickup at the Rec, south parking lot. Uniforms can be purchased by calling Chad at 764-5758 or by waiting until the first week of practice. Top Secret Training camp is April 4-6th. Look up for more info. First race will be in Fruita April 12-13, camping, fun race so please do not worry. We just had one long winter so understand that our fitness will come around later than last year. As outdoor athletes, we must train through and around our amazing seasons. Next week you will know even more than you do now, so keep in touch. Peace, Chad

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