Yes, TSTC is going to be amazing and is open to all u-14 and u-19 male and female athletes. Desert riding at it’s best. Athletes must RSVP through Russ, owner of the Durango Cyclery, by March 31st at 6pm. Schedule will be made public late March. Basically, riders will be dropped off at base camp friday early evening and will be picked up Sunday at 3-4pm. Sorry, parents are not invited. The camp staff will have shelter, food, toilet and activity under control. Top Secret guests will make appearances and each teams coach will be there to lead daily rides and activities. Athletes will need several pairs of clean chamois and jersey’s, sleeping bag, 5 pair socks, sunscreen, energy bars, camp chair, and warm clothes. Carpooling will take off from the Durango Rec Center on Friday after school. If you need a ride, call a teammate and make it happen. The trip will cost each rider 50.00. Fun and sand will be included at no extra charge. Location will be whispered in late march.

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