Hello parents, We had a good sign up meeting tuesday night and there is still room on all of our rides. Please make note that paper work needs to be in our hands before the first rides. We will not accept any day of ride registration. Forms can be printed off by clicking on parent info on the right. Scroll down and click on stuff that sounds relevant. Each jr rider will need a signed medical release, waiver, and code of conduct. Schedules of each ride are also nearby those forms, so go there and print away. The trails are muddy and that will cause us all a little grief soon, but not to worry, DEVO always works out. If weather and mud get in our way, we will just take our program into the summer. Your children will get 8 weeks of riding under their belts. Our main communication is through this site and Annie and Chads email. So please make sure your paperwork has a good email contact for you. Sweet, annie@durangodevo.com for paperwork and mula stuff, and chad@durangodevo.com for program info, rider placement and numerous other things. Please also feel free to contact us at 764-5758. 259-0686 is our home phone and we’d prefer not to use it for DEVO. Have a nice day, Chad

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