• U-14 ladies; Elyse Massone, Emily Schaldach, Amy Katz, Kaylee Blevins, Hannah Quick, Lilly Oswald, and Coach Jess Reed
  • U-14 boys; Elliott Slaslow, Levi Kurlander, Haakon Sigurslid, Hank Stowers, Chris Blevins, James Shahan, Stephan Davoust, Sepp Kuss, Tucker Leavitt, Gino Pastore, Colin Francom, and Coaches Chad Cheeney and Greg Lewis
  • U-19 ladies; Joan Walker, Kayla Hart, Hannah Madden, Alicia Rose Pastore and Coach Kricket Lewis
  • U-19 men; Kyle Horn, Chase Orrick, Howard Grotts, Taylor Borucki, Dan Walker and Coach Chad Cheeney

If your name is not on any of these lists, please call us at 764-5758 and we’ll get it sorted out. Have a nice day!

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