twellsweb.jpgHello Durango Devo,

I hope this note finds you well in the middle of a snowy Durango winter. I know it has been pretty hard to ride this winter in Durango and I just wanted to offer up some tips for staying fit and getting in shape during the winter. I use to live in NY and we wouldn’t see the sun for weeks during the winter and the temperatures would rarely get above freezing. I used this as an opportunity to cross train. Living in Durango with tons of snow you have access to all the winter sports. Nordic skiing will help build your aerobic base, downhill skiing and snowboarding will help with balance, core and explosive fast twitch muscles. You can also go to the Rec center or Sports Club and swim, play basketball, soccer or just ride the spin bikes. All of these exercises will help you with your cycling and you’ll be ahead of the game come spring time when the weather gets warm. If you feel like you can get out and ride a little bit this slippery weather offers a great chance to build your bike handling skills, just watch out for cars. Also, dress in layers so if you get too hot you can take some stuff off. It’s better to wear to much then too little in this winter. I look forward to riding with all of you this spring and summer.

Todd Wells

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