The local interest in this Wilderness plan has been rolling since last months overcrowded meeting at the Durango Rec Center. Letters to the editor in the Herald and Telegraph have labeled this interest as a self centered cyclist concern to question the Draft Plan. All user groups should be concerned and make an attempt to educate themselves on the issue. This is buisness to them and a way of life to us. There is nothing wrong with Wilderness when an area needs to be protected. Protection is not the case here. Please make a point to show up to the meeting and get informed. In the meantime, research like-cases around the country; West Virginia and California are good examples to refer to. There is no Draft Plan option that will work good for our communty. Just remember that this Wilderness plan is just part of a buisness plan landswap. Money is the root of this mess. Ask questions!

Thats my opinion, Chad

The San Juan Public Lands Center is hosting public meetings to  present and discuss specific topics of concern in the Draft Land Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for BLM and
 National Forest lands in southwestern Colorado. The Durango meeting
 is: Thursday, February 21, 2008 Fort Lewis College, 6:30 – 8:30 pm FLC Ballroom.

Topics: Inventoried Roadless Areas, Wilderness recommendations, Wild
 and Scenic River recommendations

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