Yo everyone, just bloggin from down south.  Hot and sunny down here in Patagonia, so lots of time to ride.  I rode up the ski hill and took a trail down the other day…like 3500′ down!  Craziness.  You know all those times Chad and I told you not to ride your bike straight down a hillside as it causes erosion and makes a mess of the trails?  Well, that’s pretty much all I do down here as that is where their trails go; straight down!   No rocks, no logs, no bumps, just 3500′ of straight down lose dirt (polvo).  Pretty sweet until you have to brake.  And, as I’m sure you all know, I descend with my mouth open so you can only imagine how much dirt I eat after riding.  Ok, so now I’m being your mom…ready?  You are sooooooo lucky to live where you do and ride where you do.  I have ridden all over the USA, in Spain, Mexico, Ecuador, France, Belize, and Argentina and I’m telling you, Durango has the best trail riding in the WORLD.  That’s right.  So go to the CO Trail meetings and the Hermosa Creek meeting ’cause what we have in Durango is special and unlike anywhere else. 

Chad will be happy to know that I have, due to the fact that I cannot get the kids down here to do anything but soccer, begun  to teach the neighborhood kids bike polo with a pine stick and a soccer ball.   See picture: bike polo in South America  Excuse the no helmets, there is only so much I can do.

I miss everyone!  Enjoy the snow!


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