Good day to yall. NZ has been amzing so far. The rides have been spot on. Anne and I ride every day in some place new. Little River, Acaroa, Timaru, Wanaka, and Queensland so far. Epic views and tons of sheep scattering the hillside. With no watch and no clue what day it is, the adventures run into each other. Summer is here now, sorry about that. Anne and I rode in this one trail network the other day that was filled with jumps and stunts, and all kinds of people were shredding them, old and young alike. No wonder not many of us in Durango can boast huge gaps, we have none to boast. DEVO riders should begin to formulate plans on how to get paid to travel the earth and ride. Go to work my friends. For how sweet this semi-big island is, I cannot wait to ride with all of you on the greatest trails on earth. Love Chad

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