lewissmileweb1.jpgHello fellow cyclists, my name is Greg Lewis and I will be one of the DEVO coaches for the spring/summer sessions. I moved to Durango,nine years ago,from Kentucky, and originally grew up in Little Falls, New York. I moved here with the intentions to one day become a professional mountain biker. After 5 years of hard work and dedication I was able to live my dream and began racing in the pro field. In the last 4 years I have traveled all over the United States racing local, regional, national, and even World Cup events. I am very grateful for all of my experiences and wish to apply them to coaching all the amazing talent that exists in Durango.  I originally began riding bikes when I was 5 years old and bought my first mountain bike when I was 11, with money I earned delivering newspapers and shoveling snow. Soon after purchasing my first mountain bike, a large group of friends and myself began shredding the local trails in Upstate New York. I look back at those days and think of all the fun we had and would love to promote and guide these same activities to the youth of Durango. The fun that I experienced, as a kid, is what allowed me to continue enjoying riding and racing as an adult and strongly encourage cycling as a hobby to all.  I am really excited about getting a chance to work with the DEVO team.loiusweb.jpg

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